The Science of Consciousness
Dr. Tony Nader

The Chase branded, designed and built the website platform for Dr. Nader that is about the technology of awareness. It contains handy tips for personal development and news from around the world about the field of consciousness.

Consciousness is all there is.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was responsible for promoting the practice of Transcendental Meditation during his world tours of the 1950-60s. Most people know him as the yogi who taught The Beatles transcendental meditation.

When Maharishi planned for the future of the global TM movement he named as his successor Dr. Tony Nader, a neuroscientist committed to the study of consciousness in this new age of science and technology.

Dr. Nader is author of various books and scientific papers exploring the value of consciousness and the use of the TM technique to help us grow in our Self and to see the beauty of life in a whole new way.

As we develop our individual consciousness we develop consciousness as a whole. We grow in life. Our consciousness expands. We move nearer to peace on earth.

Dr. Tony Nader is a leader in the science of consciousness and the leader of the global Transcendental Meditation organisation:

The inspiration for the site was the River of Knowledge, the painting depicting the Vedic masters who have brought the knowledge to life through the ages. The site is also the ‘desk of’ the CEO of the global TM organisation, the authentic platform for developments around the world in the science of consciousness.

The River of Knowledge
To know and live unity of life is an age-old quest of humanity. In all ages and cultures, people have gone beyond the surface of reality to seek insight and understanding. The River of Knowledge flows through all lands. Explore how pure consciousness – Being or the Self – has been at the core of our world’s wisdom-traditions for thousands of years.

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