Everyone’s Different. Thankfully.
Kingston University

Kingston University is famed for its open and inclusive approach towards further education. After developing a new positioning of ‘At Kingston University, welcoming difference is our greatest strength’, our next task was to bring it to life.

A new, more public-facing headline of ‘Everyone’s Different. Thankfully.’ was applied throughout the UG campaign and was visually supported by numerous forms of a graphic ‘K’ character.

Multiple laid-out prospectus spreads.
Brochure spread. The word Linked is placed on top of a scientific image. The K in the worked Linked is replaced with the K logo mark.
Brochure spread. The word Kinetic is placed on top of a scientific image. The K in the worked Linked is replaced with the K logo mark.

The K character appeared throughout the UG prospectus, was animated across banner advertising and replaced the K in relevant faculty divider words in the PG prospectus such as LINKED and KINETIC.

Three posters arranged in a line. They show a happy student on each poster with the letter K turned 45 degrees clockwise and placed under their heads to create a sort of person.

We art-directed new, colourful student portraits, whose heads then made the rest of the K character’s body to be used across posters and advertising.

E-mail and social campaigns used K words such as BOOK, TALK and LOOK to encourage potential students to visit. We were thrilled to hear that subsequent numbers of Open Day attendees were up by 292% on the previous year and that, for the first time in ten years student recruitment at Kingston University rose across every metric including Undergraduate, Post Graduate and International, with PG applications rising by an exceptional 492%.

"We’ve been working with The Chase for a while now and are thrilled with the work they’ve done for us. They understood our brand and where we wanted to take it immediately, and they approach every project with enthusiasm and creativity. Their work has received praise across the University – from our students to our senior management team and no request we’ve made has ever been too much. They are extremely quick, reliable and provide excellent value. Importantly, the team are incredibly good fun to work with – this is only the start of a long partnership."

Lucy Parrott
Marketing Manager Content & Publications
Marketing and Student Recruitment

We are currently working with the team on a new positioning and the Universitiy’s 2024 recruitment campaign.
